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Level 5
M8 Line / Phono
2 + balanced
A termék képe

Level Five all Audio Note™ silver wired 6463 line stage pre-amplifier with Audio Note™ 2 watt tantalum film resistors where possible, Black Gate™ caps everywhere, Audio Note silver foil signal caps, novel M10 based power supply as above, Audio Note™ custom made 99.99% pure silver wired output transformer 0.1 mm Audio Note™ 50% nickel double C-cores. RIAA version has Level 5 MM stand alone MM RIAA/Phono equalising stage with novel power supply. Phono version is a Level Five all Audio Note™ silver wired MM phono pre-amplifier with 6463 line stage, CV4068 phono stage and standard double choke mono power supply construction, Audio Note™ 2 watt tantalum film resistors, Black Gate™ caps everywhere, Audio Note silver foil signal caps, fully Audio Note™ silver wired output transformer with 0.1mm Audio Note™ AN-Perma 50 nickel double C-cores. As M8Phono but a 6 pieces per annum limited edition version with thinner laminate Audio Note™ 55% nickel double C-Cores, Black Gate™ N, Nx and NH type capacitors throughout and Audio Note™ precision carbon film resistors.

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